Explore the Future of Energy Management Systems
Save Up to 1M€ on Your Energy Bills
Reducing Emissions by 4.7 kilotonnes of CO2

c-BEMS (cloud-Building Energy Management System) is a unique generative artificial intelligence cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) tool for building energy management systems (BEMS) that supports multi-zonal control of heating/cooling and lighting systems for energy savings of average 40% in any kind, size and complexity of building(s) controlled remotely from anywhere in the world while providing added features in the form of i) a real-time CO2 operational emissions calculator on building(s), ii) a 1-day ahead energy demand response (forecasting) tool with more than 85% accuracy

SMARTH-PROP is a cutting-edge self-learning and self-adjusting smart thermostat device and system supported by the c-BEMS architecture being that of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms supporting multi-zonal control of heating/cooling systems for higher energy savings up to 40% in buildings.

Institutional actors & facilitators of the innovation ecosystem

Air quality monitoring

Data analysis

Energy systems modelling and analysis

IoT prototypes

Studies for the energy, transport and agricultural sectors