Inteligg is a startup company established in January 2018 to deliver intelligent, innovative and sustainable solutions for Smart Cities and Communities.
Inteligg develops products, provides services and engages in research in the fields of energy, transport, environment and rural applications.
The founding members consist of mechanical, electrical, aerospace and computer engineers with extensive experience in national and international research and system development projects, focusing on social innovation, sustainable mobility and economy, environmental impact assessment, energy efficiency and renewable energy, as well as ICT solutions.

Tridium is the developer of Niagara Framework® — a comprehensive software platform for the development and deployment of connected products and device-to-enterprise applications. Niagara provides the critical device connectivity, cyber security, control, data management, device management, and user presentation capabilities needed to extract value and insight from real-time operational data. Tridium has built Niagara Framework on open-protocol standards, and it has brought it to market with an open distribution model. Tridium solutions allow diverse monitoring, control, and automation systems to communicate and collaborate in buildings, data centers, manufacturing systems, smart cities, and more. Tridium creates smarter, safer, and more efficient enterprises and communities by enabling data-driven approaches to improve energy performance, indoor air quality, and comfort.

Tyrrell Products started in 2011, creating and building the best hardware and software for the IoT & building automation world. Tyrell Products is expert at working with the Tridium Niagara Framework. Tridium is a world leader in business application frameworks, advancing truly open environments that harness the power of the Internet of Things. Tyrell Products ltd gives the power to integrate CCTV, heating, lighting, and more, into one powerful system.